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Contact Us

Contact us form

If you have questions or comments concerning this website, or questions in general about Viridian MMD, please fill out the form below.

District Meetings

Viridian MMD Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am. Meetings are open to the public.

Meeting Location: 1200 Viridian Park Lane Arlington, TX 76005

Committee Application Form

Use the form below if you wish to apply for a committee spot.

Eligibility Requirements: District residents must be eligible to vote in the District, hold, hold no publicly elected office, and must not be delinquent in payment of any amounts due to the District, including property taxes, adjudicated citations, etc. Information submitted is public information under the Texas Public Information Act. Public deliberation and selection of applicants by the District Board of Directors is subject to provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

Requests for Public Information

Requests for public information must be submitted to the District by one of the approved methods and addresses listed below. To learn more about Requests for Public Information, please visit the General’s website.

By mail:   Viridian Municipal Management District 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2600 Houston, Texas 77027

By email:

In person: Same as mailing address

Report a problem

If you see a water leak or a water/wasterwater related issue, find out how you can /reportreport a problem to us.